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  • By Michelle
  • January 15, 2024
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Testing for Labs   Testing for Labs   Testing for Labs Testing for Labs Testing for Labs Testing for Labs Testing for Labs

  • By Kary
  • October 31, 2023
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Partnership for Sustainability Leadership in Business

This Project aims at fostering sustainability leadership and collaboration in the business sector in Hong Kong through a partnership between big corporates and small and medium ent

  • By Kary
  • October 31, 2023
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Hong Kong’s Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy

Based on a participatory and stakeholder-based approach, it is a territory-wide public engagement that helps formulate the long-term decarbonisation strategy and mitigation plans f

  • By Kary
  • October 31, 2023
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HSBC Rural Sustainability Programme at Lai Chi Wo

Building upon the initial success of Sustainable Lai Chi Wo Programme, “HSBC Rural Sustainability” is a four-year programme which focuses on mobilising actions of the local com

  • By Kary
  • October 31, 2023
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Improvement to Fan Kam Road Investigation

We were engaged to gauge the views and concerns from the  public and  local stakeholders at early planning stages of the Project. Through a series of  engagement events, consens