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「共融就業市集暨展覽2023:學職兼融 — 商校合作嘉許典禮及交流會」

香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心(「本中心」)聯同四間社會機構,包括CareER、協康會、香港耀能協會以及聖雅各 […]

知識講堂 (六) – 在餐飲業實現資源循環

香港被譽為全球知名的美食天堂,從深受街坊喜愛的茶餐廳、咖啡店、小食店,以至遍佈各區的連鎖餐廳、酒吧和頂尖精緻餐 […]

香港荒村之活化重生 – 梅子林、蛤塘

香港有超過600處地方被識別為村落,分散於香港不同角落。這些村落至少早於1898年便一直存在。大多數村落是鄉民 […]


Creating Sustainability Impact for Professionals, Organisations and the Society: Career Talk cum Admission Briefing for Master of Social Sciences in Sustainability Leadership and Governance

Why embracing sustainability enhances your career: Align your interests, strengths, and values, for ongoing learning and making a positive impact!   The modern organization requires deeper understanding of its dependency on the environment, and most jobs will need this knowledge given the growing economic imperative for ‘green jobs’. Further, acknowledging the need for culture change, advocacy and diplomacy skills will support wider organizational skills that on the one hand develop people to their fullest, while on the other, building organization-wide capacity for the strategic demands for sustainability. As consumer demand for responsible products, services, and experiences grow, employers are increasingly expecting their employees to drive the organizational sustainability agenda. Join us for a discussion with our alumni who will share their experience of incorporating a sustainability-focused lens in their workplace and decision-making. We will explore how both technical skills mixed with the people-oriented and empathetic leadership skills are required for organizations to develop opportunities for positive societal impact. Date: 7 February 2022 (Tuesday) Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm Format: Online via ZOOM Registration link:


Master of Social Sciences in Sustainability Leadership and Governance 2022 Career Talk cum Programme Briefing Session 2

All things sustainability – climate change, diversity and inclusion, biodiversity, sustainable finance, ESG disclosures – are top of mind for many as they contemplate their next steps of their career. As you consider the current demand for transformational change and how you may contribute, join us for an evening where various options for a career in this field are explored. Find out how you can enhance your skill set, shape your career in the direction you choose, and enable your desire to make a difference in society through your professional credentials. This session will be with our alumni who will share their career pathway, and insights on growing their sustainability skill-set.


Master of Social Sciences in Sustainability Leadership and Governance 2022 Career Talk cum Programme Briefing

Sustainability pathways: Design your future career Join us for a lively discussion with two of Hong Kong’s prominent sustainability professionals! All things sustainability – climate change, diversity and inclusion, biodiversity, sustainable finance, ESG disclosures – are top of mind for many as they contemplate their next steps of their career. As you consider the current demand for transformational change and how you may contribute, join us for an evening where various options for a career in this field are explored. Find out how you can enhance your skill set, shape your career in the direction you choose, and enable your desire to make a difference in society through your professional credentials.  Our guest speakers will demonstrate how you can contribute to the field of sustainability in an impactful way, while learning about their pathway from different core disciplines. Register Now! 
